Ceramic decorations can make up for the lack

The ever-changing ceramic shapes cannot be perfect. If you encounter an unsatisfactory shape, you can use decoration to make up for it. Decoration can change the feeling of styling, as mentioned above. This principle can also be used as a special effect method to make up the shape, so that a certain part of the shape can be enhanced or weakened. If a certain part of the shape looks bloated and fat, appropriate decorations can be added. Due to the variety of decorative patterns, colors and lines, the contour of the shape is diluted, the feeling is changed, and the feeling of obesity is weakened. If a certain part is thin, you can add less decoration or no decoration; if the neck of the vase is long, you can add decoration or horizontal lines, divide it, weaken it, etc., the list goes on and on. Furthermore, it can be processed by using the lightness, primary color, hot color, and cool color of the decorative pattern color. From the principle of color science: high lightness and high purity belong to hot colors, which are lighter, brighter and more prominent. In contrast, cool colors are heavy and dark. Shapes can also be strengthened and weakened using this principle. At the same time, decoration can cover up the appearance defects of porcelain, such as black spots, imprints and scars, etc., which are designed to be painted with pattern pigments to make them disappear.

Pottery and porcelain are man-made items. While reflecting the objective world, they must also reflect people’s subjective consciousness. Ceramic art decoration expresses people’s natural concepts, people’s imagination, emotions and ideals. The ceramic art decoration of bone china manufacturers has exquisitely expressed the humanistic thought of harmony and unity between man and nature since ancient times in China. In ornamentation, the pursuit of harmony and unity between man and nature is always pursued persistently.


Post time: Jan-28-2023


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